For organizations

Looking to improve your team’s cohesion and performance?

Emotional work requires the sense of trust and mutual respect that encourages honesty and vulnerability necessary to access deeply held experiences, beliefs and emotions. It is unreasonable to expect people to reveal their secrets to someone inside the organizational hierarchy, where their job security and reputation are at risk. Empathic professionals who swear confidentiality and protect the interests of the employee are needed to achieve the kind of introspection and change that serve the best interests of the employee and organization without allowing the interests to conflict.

Please learn what PhysioEmoDynamics Institute offers to organizations – Emotional Reviews and new executive coaching frameworks – by downloading white paper “Incorporating Emotional Reviews in executive coaching, corporate wellness and team building programs to increase the happiness factor, reduce stress-related healthcare costs & increase productivity, loyalty, retention”.

Outsourcing is crucial for Emotional Review to work and essential as part of the executive coaching process in the organization. Creating an effective organizational culture depends on the coherent, consistent modeling of the cultural behaviors by those at the top. Executives need to recognize and understand concepts like projection, shadow, perpetrator and victim, servant leadership, loyalty to the absent and be able to teach and model conscious leadership. They will be able to do this only when they’ve sourced, faced and processed their own unconscious beliefs, shadows, blind spots, thought patterns and emotional tendencies. The competitive advantage awaits organizations willing to face the importance of emotional issues in organizational productivity and employee satisfaction. Emotional Review for executives and staff provides a means to gain that advantage.

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