Body, Mind & Soul Check List: Exercise, Meditation, Proper Eating & Practice of Love & Compassion To Be Able To Be Your Best Self & A Healer / Coach That Can Make An Impact

Body, Mind & Soul Check List -Exercise, Meditation, Proper Eating, Practice of Love, Compassion To Be Able To Be Your Best Self & A Healer, Coach That Can Make An Impact
Are you exercising correctly, eating properly, meditating sufficiently and resting enough to be able to be your best self? The right disciplines & tools to best take care of your body, mind and soul to maximize your potential is something you are being called to look at during our 15 Day Challenge to Re-launch Your Coaching Business. Are you taking good care of yourself and properly balancing effort and ease? The better you do, the better you’ll feel and more productive you can be in your business over the long run.

One of the best things about becoming a coach, teacher, trainer, healer, counselor is learning how to manage your life in a way that maximizes your health, wealth, wisdom and ability to serve.

So, I would like to invite you to go back, and get clear about these things:

1)    Have you researched or discovered which are the most important practices and behaviors you can use to produce vitality in your life? Are you doing them?

2)    Have you researched or found out how much and what kinds of exercises are best for your body so you become lean, strong and flexible? Are you doing them?

3)    Do you sit quietly, meditate or rest for at least 15 minutes each day?

4)    Have you researched or worked out which foods are healthiest for you and your lifestyle? Is that how you’re eating?

5)    Are you healthy, taking good care of yourself, not addicted to any substances or harmful habits? Do you have a body in which you feel comfortable and that can handle the tasks you need to perform?

You really need to find a quiet space to answer these questions and take your time to get honest with yourself…

Can you really facilitate SUSTAINABLE transformation in others if you aren’t taking good care of your own body, mind, heart and soul?

There are a few more questions for you to consider.

6) Business can feel unfair, unjust, even impossible at times. Do you dedicate enough time during the day to nurture love and compassion for yourself?

7) Do you practice non-judgment? Can you remain still within even if your clients or others are losing their heads and blaming it on you? Can you support them without feeling superior or inferior?

8) Have you learned to fully accept yourself with all your “flaws” and “imperfections”, and accept others around you and love them just as they are?

Reach out if you find yourself needing someone to help you come into better relationship with your body, mind or soul.

Continue our 15 Day Challenge and unpeel the things creating the gap between where you are now and your true potential!

May you be a blessing to yourself and your world…

Ready to take the 15 Day Challenge to Re-launch Your Coaching Business? It’s a click away ;-).

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