If You Want The Change In Your Coaching / Healing Business To Occur, YOU Must Have A Will To Change

If You Want The Change In Your Coaching Business To Occur, YOU Must Have A Will To Change

I am honored to be able to serve you, in any ways that you choose to engage. At the moment you’ve chosen to participate in a 15 Day Challenge to Re-launch Your Coaching Business I’ve designed for you.Let’s talk for a moment about your intention and expectations.You are either a healer or a coach with an existing practice that you would like to see grow… Or you feel that the knowledge and wisdom that you have accumulated needs to be shared with others, and you are ready to dedicate your life to healing and guiding those around you.

Either way, to fully commit you have to exchange your time for money… Bills need to be paid, the family needs to be supported…

If you are not exactly where you would like to be with your practice, it’s because YOU are not there yet. No matter how you might feel about the need to change, the change is needed.There are a number of things you need to be willing to accept:

–       You need to change your attitudes

–       You need to change your behaviors

–       You need to change your strategic approach

–       You need to change your tactical approach

–       You need to change schedule

–       You need to change your habits and preferences

–       You need to change your emotional states in relation to day to day activities and unexpected events

–       You need to deepen the fulfillment component – which means increase your knowledge and enhance your tool box. What exactly will you be offering to your clients, how can you cause profound transformation in those aspects of their lives on which you have chosen to focus?

And the list goes on and on…

But… to make a long list shorter, YOU need to change…

The goal of our 15 day Challenge is to set you on the journey that will turn on your inner switch.

What I will do every day during these 2 weeks is to ask you a series of questions that will help you to reach new understandings that then will require certain actions.

So, obviously for you to take full benefit of the challenge a few things need to occur:

  • First, you have to follow daily instructions without skipping any. Every day you will be given a seed for transformation.
  • Second, you have to spend enough time contemplating each question and becoming brutally honest with yourself. Please don’t delude yourself, if you just hear the questions but don’t do any work around it, nothing will change. The answers are in the questions themselves and within you. Moreover, for some questions you might have known answers for a long time, only you never acted on your understanding.
  • And third, you have to take actions. When question present to you a clear solution, it’s an invitation for you to take actions. If you fail to do so, no change can occur.

So, for the challenge to be useful for you there is one main condition that applies.


If you don’t do your homework, nobody can force you, and nobody can do it for you. Agree?

If you worked with me one on one, I would definitely break through all your inner resistances and sabotages of the Ego – I do it all the time for all my clients. During our sessions I am their best friend and the worst enemy for the complacency of their Egos :-). I help transformation to occur, sometimes by sheer force of will. But… it cannot be done via articles, emails or videos. They are only seeds…

So, take up on the challenge and do your work.

I will meet you on another side of the screen. :-)

Sign-up and let’s do it!

And remember, this 15 days is only the beginning… :-)

Ready to take the 15 Day Challenge to Re-launch Your Coaching Business? It’s a click away ;-).

15 days challenge re launch your coaching healing business 6 7 figure income

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