Creating & Following Through On Sales Processes To Maximize The Potential & Revenue Of Your Coaching & Healing Business? Challenge From Master Coaches

Creating, Optimizing, Following Through On Sales Processes To Maximize The Potential & Revenue Of Your Coaching & Healing Business - Challenge From Master Coaches

Are you using the right sales processes to maximize the revenue potential of your business? The right disciplines, processes and tools to facilitate sales and how you can become fully engaged in maximizing your business revenue is something you are being called to look at during our 15 Day Challenge to Re-launch Your Coaching Business.

The life of your business depends on sales but many of us live in old, ineffective stories about selling. Some of us love what we do but resent the idea of having to sell it. Or we value what we do so much that we’ll sacrifice everything for it, but resist putting an actual value on it. We live in a world where some corporate misdeeds have given a bad name to business, and so some feel selling and marketing are manipulative.

Some of us are so empathic (some might say needy for connection) that we take the side of our clients in negotiation, sacrificing our own financial needs. We have families to feed and bills to pay, don’t we?

I could go on and on because this was a deep personal subject for me.

Suffice it to say, not dealing with issues about money winds up projecting negatively onto the bottom line.

Becoming a coach, teacher, trainer, healer, counselor is being able to support others to live more fully but you have to be able to stay in business to keep living the mission that you’ve chosen.

Even if the issues listed above don’t challenge you, rechecking to make sure you’ve properly organized your sales process is still something you need to do.

So, I would like to invite you to go back, and get clear about the following things:

1)         Are any of the beliefs listed above keeping you from selling as effectively as you can?

2)         What clear, concise benefits are you selling?

3)         How do you prospect for new potential clients?

4)         Have you established at least 3 lead generation processes and a sales funnel?

5)         What effective Customer Relationship Management / sales automation tools are you using to manage and track clients through your sales funnel?

6)         How and how regularly do you actually reach out to connect with prospects?

7)         What nurturing processes do you use to get prospects to trust you, value you and understand how you can help them?

8)         Do you have an effective needs assessment, not those cookie cutter templates, but a process related to your very specific approach and modalities?

9)         What’s your presentation and have you received feedback on it from a trusted advisor or clients?

10)      Have you put efforts in improving your closing techniques?

You really need to find a quiet space to answer these and take your time to get really honest with yourself…

Can you really facilitate SUSTAINABLE transformation in others if you aren’t doing the right things to attract and engage them?

Reach out if you find yourself needing someone to help you with your sales processes.

Continue our 15 Day Challenge and unpeel the things creating the gap between where you are now and your true potential!

May you be a blessing to yourself and your world…

Ready to take the 15 Day Challenge to Re-launch Your Coaching Business? It’s a click away ;-).

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